Skycastle (faulty suspension)

Dearest All,
These poorly bound stones were never intended for this kind of abuse. But sometimes, it takes extraordinary measures to get from Here to There. 

(The space between Here and There is the part that we'll remember, so endure it well, with grace and aplomb; we want those memories to be fond ones.)

With Warmest Regards,


a nice word: susurrus
I haven't yet found a good place to use it.


  1. Holy cow, he's back! (Wait, did I say the same thing after your last long absence?) This is really cool. At first I thought it was a building made of gold. Stones? Yikes, that would weigh a few pounds. Love the yellows!

  2. Tis a heavy load,
    yet, the crow, she is smiling...
    Susurrus happy to be
    on the way from here to there.

  3. The susurrus of the bird's wings lulled me into the belief that anything is possible between Here and There. Thanks for the pick-me-up!

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