The Early Years

Dearest All,

Here's something that you ought to do this coming weekend, if at all possible...
Thanks to the ever-supportive DIY printshop, and John Knight, who has curated another show composed solely of screen prints, to run in conjunction with this exhibition.

Opening reception:
August 2nd: 6:00-9:00pm
Semantics Gallery
Cincinnati, OH

I hope that you will be there, as it is sure to be a fine bit of screen printing, and an opportunity for you to obtain a print or two for yourself.

If you are on the fence, check this out for a sneak peek, and then imagine them measurable in feet rather than pixels.

Here's where. Be there August 2nd: 6-9pm.

With Warmest Regards,

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The Early Years
Dreams Yet Unfulfilled
A Shipment of Rabbits
Looking back over the years.
I'm not even kidding!
No love for raccoons
Some vacant city
